On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached medista mepilex border post op 10x20cm 5 pieces You can use Mepilex® Border Post-Op for exuding wounds, such as surgical wounds, cut or... € 35.88 Price
On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached medista mepilex border post op 10x25cm 5 pieces You can use Mepilex® Border Post-Op for exuding wounds, such as surgical wounds, cut or... € 45.38 Price
On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached medista mepilex border post op 10x30cm 5 pieces You can use Mepilex® Border Post-Op for exuding wounds, such as surgical wounds, cut or... € 53.38 Price
On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached rouleaux-de-sparadrap 3m ™ transpore ™ medical adhesive plaster, 1527-1, 2.5 cm x 9.1 m, 12 pieces/box The 3M ™ Transpore ™ medical adhesive plaster is a hypoallergenic, easily shockable,... € 12.22 Price
On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached rouleaux-de-sparadrap 3m ™ transpore ™ medical adhesive plaster, 1527-0, 1.25 cm x 9.1 m, 24 pieces/box The 3M ™ Transpore ™ medical adhesive plaster is a hypoallergenic, easily shockable,... € 12.22 Price
On sale! New shopping_cart Add to cart cached visibility Quick view cached rouleaux-de-sparadrap 3m ™ transpore ™ white surgical hechts plaster, 1527p, 2.5 cm x 9.1 m, roll The 3M ™ Transpore ™ medical adhesive plaster is a hypoallergenic, easily shockable,... € 3.73 Price